Kid-ish Club Tu BiSh’vat Tot Shabbat Creating a welcoming Jewish community for families with young children, ages 0-5.
Saturday, February 4
9:30 am
Free and open to the community!
In honor of Tu BiSh’vat (the birthday of the trees), join us for a special Tot Shabbat! We will enjoy Jeremy Posner’s dramatic reading of The Lorax and then get to do a take-home planting project of our own colorful and unusual Dr. Seuss-like flowers with Ali Posner! We’ll also sing plant-themed songs and have a snack.
For more information, contact Rabbi Megan Brudney at or 248.851.1100.
Temple Beth El
7400 Telegraph Road, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301, (248) 851-1100 |