Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Temple offers many volunteer opportunities. Here are a few:

Braille Bindery

The TBE Sisterhood Braille Bindery prints free braille books for children. Volunteers use a computer and operate the embosser/printer. Three hour shifts in the morning or afternoon are available. Training is necessary to gain familiarity with the equipment, and some physical dexterity is required. To volunteer, contact Earl Remer at 248-669-3038 (home) or 248-252-3067 (cell). For more information on the Braille Bindery, click here.

Caring Community

Our TBE Caring Community is a group of trained volunteers who reach out to members during difficult times. Volunteers write notes, make phone calls, visit homebound members, and deliver baby baskets and meals. If you’re interested in joining our Caring Community, reach out at .


Greeters help make Temple a warm and welcoming community. They welcome attendees at Shabbat services, High Holidays, large programs, and Temple events. If you’re interested in becoming a greeter, contact Evangela Whitehorn-Dove at 248-851-1100.

Shiva Corps

Our Shiva Corps volunteers lead shiva services in the homes of mourners. They are trained by our clergy to offer a meaningful shiva service experience, delivered with warmth and compassion.

For more information on volunteering at Temple Beth El, call the Temple administrative offices at 248-851-1100.