Early Childhood Center

Early Childhood Center


Our Mission

To nurture and empower bold thinkers through compassion in our Jewish community.

We guarantee

  • Loving teachers – small classes
  • Low student – teacher ratios
  • Exploratory play, process art, reading and literacy experiences, gym and outdoor play, music, cooking, and Jewish experiences
  • Open-ended exploratory learning
  • State of the art playground

When our children walk into the ECC, the warmth and love that only a quality early childhood center can provide is immediate. Our play-based setting helps our children to feel confident in the world around them and about their learning. We are devoted to ensuring our children and their families experience a safe, nurturing, warm, and loving place where our children can grow and thrive.

At Temple Beth El, Jewish values and traditions are incorporated into our everyday learning. Through stories and songs, art and cooking, as well as interaction with our clergy, the sights, sounds, and tastes of the Jewish holidays become a part of each of our children. In addition to finding creative and captivating ways to celebrate the holidays, we also make Shabbat a special time for our classes. We sing blessings, taste challah and grape juice, and sing Shabbat songs. This is a wonderful and memorable weekly experience our children truly love.

For More Information

Susie Weiner, Director Early Childhood Center
(248) 865-0611