Temple Beth El is a Reform Jewish congregation which…
- Is a caring and welcoming community.
- Is a beacon of Jewish values, culture and ethnic mores.
- Offers a spiritual environment, providing a sense of transcendence
- Practices Kavana.
- Fosters and strengthens personal and congregational identification with Judaism.
- Recognizes and practices Reform Judaism as a means by which to make “knowledgeable choices” with regard to our religious practices.
- Is a source of dependable continuity of the Jewish community.
- Has a commitment to the welfare of Jews in Israel and throughout the world.
- Promotes unity with other religions through greater cooperation and understanding.
A place…
- To share joy and sadness, as an extended family for social, cultural and religious gathering, for members of all ages.
- To seek support, respite, prayer and peace.
- A sanctuary that is alive with activity centered in Judaism of lifelong learning for all family members.