When you have experienced a loss, it is not unusual to feel helpless and alone, but your TBE clergy are here to support you. If you lose a loved one, please let us know by calling the Rabbis’ Study at Temple at 248-851-1100. When it is a local funeral, we will meet with your family, officiate the funeral, and may even be available to lead a shiva service. To make contact with Rabbi Miller, Rabbi Brudney, or Cantor Rachel during business hours, call Temple at 248-851-1100. After hours or on the weekend, you can reach us on our cell phones.
After the funeral, your Temple family remains present. Your loved one’s name will be read at Friday night services during sh’loshim (the first month of grieving) and every year on their yahrzeit. During the first year, the name will be read at each of four Yizkor services. Every Sunday morning at 10:30am, we offer a clergy-led virtual minyan as an additional opportunity to say Kaddish. Step into our warm and caring environment from the comfort of your own home!
In addition, for a safe and supportive conversation facilitated by a psychologist specializing in grief and loss, please consider joining our bereavement support group, which meets monthly in person. For dates and times, please view our calendar or contact Nicole Jahr, Director of Community Engagement at or 248-851-1100.