Hanukkah and the Purpose of Sacred Mythology


Thursday, December 15    
7:00 PM

Event Type

Thursday, December 15
7:00 – 8:30 PM
(in-person and virtual)

Hanukkah is a wildly popular occasion! Between tasty latkes, beautiful menorahs, fun presents, and classic songs, there is something for everyone. But it is also a holiday based on stories, legends, and miracles that tell us a lot about who we are as a Jewish People. Join Rabbi Miller for a stimulating conversation, and an early taste of some Hanukkah treats!

For more information, contact Jennifer Ritchie at or 248.851.1100.

You can access this discussion live on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84683087954?pwd=SW1MWUIrbnhqNnNSNW9yMEFxd3dpQT09