
Please embrace the spirit of Chanukah,
and sustain our temple’s future!

Your involvement is vital to maintain our cherished center of spirituality,
education, and community.

In this period of darkness, akin to the miracle of lights, it is imperative
that we shine brightly not only for our brethren inIsrael but also for
the local and global Jewish community.

Please join me in contributing to our 8 Days of Giving Annual Appeal
to support Temple Beth El and continue to stand as a pillar
for generations to come.

With gratitude,
Rachel Grey Ellis
TBE Executive Director

Be the Miracle – DONATE NOW!

Welcome! Temple Beth El is transitioning to a new system for managing member data and financial accounts. It is widely used and highly secure. You’ll have access to a member portal where you can easily pay bills or make donations online, as well as edit your contact and family information. This update will help us better meet your needs and increase efficiency in our offices.



Click the “I’m a member” button below to be redirected to your new member portal.  If this is your first time signing in, click Forgot Password. You’ll receive an email from Temple Beth El to reset your password. Click the link in the email to set a new password, and you’ll be good to go!



Click the “I’m not a member” button below. You’ll be redirected to a new page where you can easily make your donation.


Please Note

Only donations over $18 will receive an acknowledgment letter.

You can pay by credit card (which incurs a 3% fee) or by ACH. We no longer accept debit cards.

If you have questions or concerns, please email Amy or (248) 851-1100.